We've been pretty quiet the past couple of months and I know there is a long delay between publications. I thought I would publish an update to the blog here in case anyone is interested in knowing that we're still around!
We have been dealing with a couple of personal things (life, you know), and I have actually changed employers. Yes I have a fulltime dayjob, which is one of the reasons that my wife and I don't have more time to publish more material. However, it keeps the lights on so that's a good thing!
At present we are working on the following projects:
Game Masters Rulebook
The Game Master's Rulebook is complete and we have been in the art and layout phase for several months now. At present, the goal is to have it published by EOY which we are tracking to! Once we have all of the remaining content, we will need to:- Finalize TOC
- Finalize Index
- Prep formats for publication
- Submit material/Request Proofs
- Approve Proofs/Publish to DTRPG
A small amount of material which was previously unpublished in the beta version will appear in the GM Rulebook.
- 2 New exotic playable races
- Map of Hdathem
New World Map!
We have commissioned a talented map artist (Misjay Maps) to redraw the sample world map that was included with the beta rules a couple of years back. So far, what I have seen is a huge improvement of the existing map and will compliment the release of the Game Master's Rulebook immensely!
You can see Misjay's work on the map of Raven's Stand in the QuickStart Adventure!
New Character Sheet Forms
We honestly don't know what else we're going to change, but these will at least contain the information necessary to support the Advanced Magic Rules (Which are also appearing as an appendix in the GM Rulebook).
'Beasts and Lore' of Sonnegard compendium
Currently this is only in the writing phase. I'm further behind than I would like. Depending on how the rest of this year goes, we hope to have this one ready for release in late 2022 but we'll see. The idea for this book really became an obvious necessity to us. Having finalized the rulesets in the first two books, we saw that new players and GMs would need a little bit more content to ground them in the setting before taking off and 'filling in the map' as it were. Don't worry, we're still going to leave plenty of blanks, but I think that we could stand publishing a little bit more of the setting content.
This book will include:
- More Creatures (I don't have an exact count, we won't know till we finish)
- Additional background information on the setting
- Reworked Stat Block for creatures (much easier to read than those in the GM Rulebook)
- Playtesting, never stop gaming!
- We're both evaluating writing some adventure material for other systems.(I won't say which yet though ;) We'll be sure to publish updates if this looks like it is going somewhere!